Freelance Writer & MA Candidate

Returning Home.

We enter this life as a natural born seeker.   

We are always scoping a place of comfort. Humans are living prophets in finding the place where universal belonging rests. We crave the simplicity in familiarity; the combination of love, acceptance, and universal understanding. To us, this commonplace of familiarity lies within our home.

Classifying home as a “physical” place is doing a disservice to its purpose. Home holds various definitions. To most, home is the physical “house” – somewhere to live, sleep, love, and eat. Everyone deserves the privilege of experiencing a physical home. The comfort this home provides is everyday normalcy. 

My personal classification of “home” is not tangible for others.

I believe home lies in one’s heart.

If you find peace within yourself, you will begin to uncover your home. The beginning of inner peace stems from choosing self love. We cannot find home within ourselves if this is missing.  The denial of self love opens the door for internal criticism. Once this door is unhatched, your home becomes a newfound haven for negativity. Self criticism is a driver in repetitive personal abuse. Personal abuse eventually transitions into splinters of self doubt. From this point forward, it is easy for doubt to takeover. In its truest form, taking on personal burdens, and those of others, is immanent.  

We welcome the troubles of others into our “home” for personal reasons. Commonly, we are making up for the lack of inner love. We believe fixing others will provide instantaneous gratification.

Spoiler - it will not happen. 

This belief puts personal emotions in everyone's hands; resulting in a false sense of fulfilment. Giving away our happiness is a detriment to true self love.  

Your internal home becomes cluttered with unfixable burdens. As sadness makes an entrance, love becomes pushed aside. Sadness is almost always followed by a deep emptiness. In emptiness, you will uncover the ultimate feeling of loneliness.  

Remind yourself - Your home is your sacred place –  your love is a sacred space.

To keep it sacred, avoid flooding your home with unfixable burdens. Shy away from marring your home with memories of sadness. Kindly remind yourself of your humility. You are human and your purpose isn’t purely to mend others. We can only do our best in the present moment. Focus on doing your best with what is available to you. 

Your focus involves cherishing love, being loved, and creating an internal home around love.

In love’s divine structure, your home is built on inner peace.

Recently, I found effortless peace in my home. By letting self love in, long held burdens dissipated from my heart. I wanted my internal home to be a place of comfort, not daily avoidance. I forged a deep peace for accepting my unchangeable circumstances. In these circumstances, I created a space for love. Love welcomed itself inside following the path of forgiveness. Love is never meant to be forced. To bring loves’ feelings alive involves creating sacred spaces for true love (those who love you) on a daily basis.    

I have resurrected a new home in my heart. The foundation built upon experiencing rock bottom. The walls made up unimaginable strength. The roof sturdy for sheltering self love. Homecoming never felt so deeply, soulfully and wonderfully welcoming.

It’s never too late to return home.